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Are Fillings in Baby Teeth Necessary?

When a dental fillings specialist recommends that a child should have dental fillings, some parents might wonder: are fillings in baby teeth necessary? The argument some people might have against treating cavities in baby teeth is that the teeth are going to fall out soon anyway. However, there are several dental and general health considerations that are connected to the issue. In this article, we will explain whether or not baby tooth cavities should be treated.

Are Fillings in Baby Teeth Necessary?

In short, the answer to this question is yes; in many cases, fillings in baby teeth are necessary even if they are going to fall out eventually. There are several reasons for treating cavities in baby teeth as soon as possible:


If a child experiences pain from a cavity, it might lead them to not eating certain foods that require a lot of chewing and irritate the tooth even more (for example, fruits, vegetables, or meat). This can result in nutritional issues that are dangerous for a growing child.

Chronic Pain

Toothache can also cause speech impediments. On top of that, constant stress from chronic tooth pain can negatively affect the child’s mood and ability to concentrate.

Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

Untreated cavities can go deeper into the tooth, resulting in decay and spreading to the other teeth in the mouth. Gum disease is another issue associated with untreated tooth day. It can cause serious issues with permanent teeth and can also affect the development of the jawbone.

Negative Impact on General Health

Having constant bacteria growth and infections in the mouth can cause issues with the heart, lung, bones, and gastrointestinal system of the child. It can even impact cognitive function, according to the studies.

Precocious Baby Tooth Loss and Orthodontic Issues

Tooth decay can also lead to precocious loss of a baby tooth that will negatively affect the jawbone and permanent teeth development. It can cause more severe orthodontic issues in the future as well.

Tooth Loss and Speech Impediment

Precocious tooth loss can be also associated with poor speech development and speech impediment in children.

Future Oral Health Issues

If a child has untreated infections in the mouth for a prolonged period of time, they are much more likely to have chronic dental health problems in the future, when they have permanent teeth.

Need for More Expensive Treatments in the Future

Untreated cavities pose a lot of serious risks to your child’s oral and general health. The sooner you start taking care of your child’s teeth, the fewer treatments they will need to undergo in the future. Basic preventive dentistry, such as routine cleanings and small cavity treatments, will save a lot of time and money in the future, preventing your child from having unnecessary stress.

When a Cavity Does Not Require a Filling?

In some cases, it might not be necessary to treat a cavity in a baby tooth with a filling. If the tooth is very close to falling out and the cavity is small, it is possible to leave the cavity and wait for the tooth to fall out naturally. For this to be the case, the cavity should not pose the risk of spreading tooth decay to the surrounding teeth or gums.

How to Recognize a Cavity?

There are several signs that can indicate that your child has a cavity:

  • Your child complains about toothache when eating or drinking hot or cold foods or beverages
  • Your child does not want to eat harder food, because it is painful
  • You notice that your child started having speech problems
  • There are dark, brown, or black spots on the teeth of your child
  • You notice tooth discoloration or staining on your child’s teeth

How to Prevent Cavities

In some cases only a dentist can spot a cavity before it gets too big. That is why it is necessary to schedule regular dental check ups for your child. This will also help to prevent the issues instead of having to treat them in the future.

Professional dental cleanings are recommended to have every 6 to 12 months. This will prevent plaque and tartar buildup, which are the causes of cavities, tooth decay, bacteria growth, and gum disease. Your child can also have supporting fluoride treatment as a part of cleanings and checkups.

Daily and thorough oral health routine at home is the number one preventive measure for cavities. Teach your child to brush their teeth and floss properly. Your dentist can show you and your child the right brushing and flossing techniques. Your kid should brush their teeth twice a day and floss every evening.

Make an Appointment Today

If you suspect that your child might have a cavity or the child complains about toothache, do not postpone a visit to a dental office. Make an appointment with a dentist for the whole family at Dream Smile City today. Our specialists are kind and attentive to children and will do their best to make the visit comfortable and stressless for your child. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our office.

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